A legendary Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a noble man and gifted in the ways of the Force. He trained Anakin Skywalker, served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars, and guided Luke Skywalker as a mentor. Born Ben Kenobi, he has been played in blockbuster movies by actors Alec Guiness and Ewen McGregor. Be the bravest and wisest Jedi in all the galaxy, just like Obi-Wan in A New Hope (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983), Revenge of the Sith (2005) and The Force Awakens via voice-over (2015).
- Tunic in polyester with attached shirt front and shoulder sashes plus full length trumpet sleeves
- Pants with attached boot tops with printed texture
- Belt with printed details and tie at back
- Lightsaber not included
- This is an officially licensed Star Wars product