Taz, the infamous Tasmanian Devil from Warner Bros. Looney Tunes, is generally portrayed as a ferocious, albeit dim-witted omnivore with a notoriously short temper and little patience. If this sounds like you – we have what you need! And in 2021 watch Taz hit the courts with his fellow Looney friends and famous basketballer LeBron James in the Looney Tunes favourite Space Jam 2: A New Legacy. This year also shares the 25th anniversary of the first Space Jam movie!
- Taz’s trademark brown oversized onesie jumpsuit in polyester
- Jumpsuit has an attached hood with 3D foam backed ears felt face with digitally printed facial features
- Jumpsuit has velcro closures at rear and an attached fibre filled tail
- Shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Looney Tunes product