Dino Ranch follows the adventures of the Cassidy family as they tackle life on the ranch in a fantastical, “prewestoric” setting where dinosaurs roam free! An animated children’s pre-school series on Disney Junior and Disney+, Dino Ranch is a story about a ten-year-old cowboy called Jon and his best buddy Blitz, the speediest Velociraptor around! They are joined by friends Min and Miguel and of course Clover the Brontosaurus and Tango the Triceratops, to name just a few. Why not head into this Dinosaur Sanctuary today as Jon and see what cretaceous animals you can round up!
- All in one jumpsuit with attached leather-look belt connecting jeans and chequered shirt
- The mock leather-look vest is attached to the jumpsuit, as is the red neckerchief
- White cowboy hat with turned up sides
- Shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Dino Ranch product